16Mbit Serial Flash Memory SPI Breakout - W25Q16JVSSIQ
₹138.35The breakout board for the 16Mbit Serial Flash Memory, known as W25Q16JVSSIQ, has been specifically crafted to enable the utilization of Serial Flash memory chips without the need for soldering. This grants users the flexibility to erase, program, and...
64Mbit Serial Flash Memory Breakout SPI - W25Q64FVSSIQ
₹200.00The breakout for 7Semi's 64Mbit Flash Memory is engineered to facilitate the use of Serial Flash memory chips without the need for soldering. This provides the flexibility to erase, program, and verify Serial Flash memory chips without the requirement of...
128Mbit Serial Flash Memory SPI Breakout - W25Q128JWSIQ
₹356.39The breakout module BO-10114 is specifically engineered to facilitate the utilization of Serial Flash memory chips without the need for soldering. This grants users the flexibility to erase, program, and verify Serial Flash memory chips without the...